Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Carlos Sketches-2004

Looking through some old envelopes, I found copies I had made of some sketches by Carlos back when we worked together at AME (American Marketing Enterprises, a kids apparel company in NYC, now part of the Li and Fung group of companies) in 2004. I also found an original of a  sketch he did of me. I thought they were all pretty cool so scanned them in and here they are.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Subway Lunch Jam 12-2-11

After many a moon, an actual lunch time jam. Maybe, with some luck, we'll have these on a more regular basis in the new year. Top to bottom, the drawings are by Craig Parrillo, Jesse Hernandez and myself, Justin Leiter.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Monster Kitty by Craig Parrillo

Sketched during a company meeting at work.